Dream Team

Space Oasis Delft is a TU Delft Dream Team: An extracurricular, international and interdisciplinary team of students who have the same goal or idea. Our initiative includes management, design and the production. We are focused on technical issues and challenge ourselves to innovate.

Space Oasis Delft is a TU Delft Dream Team, which is an extracurricular, international and interdisciplinary team of students who have the same goal or idea. Our initiative includes management, design and the production. We are focused on technical issues and challenge ourselves to innovate. We are going to enter in a competition which is perfectly in line with our mission. We are aiming to win the Fondation Jacques Rougerie competition to design a space village on either the moon or Mars, taking inspiration from nature. Additionally, we will create detailed technical designs of the habitats to show ourselves and the world that it is possible to build our project.

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